Thursday 20 February 2020

Plastic bottles and mud are now part of building materials.....See how

  In our world today plastic bottles are commonly seen everywhere because they are cheap, convenient, and lightweight in nature, but once the liquid (beverages or water) inside has been consumed, the bottle is typically tossed around and finally end up in the trash. The world's landfills are now flooded with mountains of plastic bottles.

Image result for at average of how many PET bottles can be used to build bottle house

    The type of bottles that are used in this type of construction is called PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles. This is the type of bottle that is considered safe to contain beverages for human consumption.The PET bottles used in the construction of house are plastic discarded bottles which are picked up off the streets, collected from rubbish dumps and probably bought some which are stored for the bottle mud house construction,about 7,000 to 8,000 PET bottles are required for the construction but sometimes depends on how big the construction will look-like ,then solid mud are packed inside the bottles which are well compacted together and fully loaded.

Image result for sand filling bottle image

   However, these bottles are however laid on top of each other in the order in other to ascertain the shape they needed like square or circular shape and finally bounded with bonding materials (mud and string).The developers claim the buildings can withstand earthquakes and bullets, (having a second thought on the earthquake though), and cost about a third of what it would cost to build a block and mortar structure.

Building the walls

Bind the bottles together with string

  Human ecologist have decided to address this as a problem by repurposing plastic bottles as part of a construction material. Today, from research plastic bottles have been used to build not only houses, but also gardens,garden sheds and shield walls for refugees. Perhaps you can use PET bottles for any construction project you can think of as a building material.

Image result for at average of how many PET bottles can be used to build bottle house

Image result for bottle mud house

Image result for bottle mud house

Third world countries are starting to see the benefits. Plastic bottle houses in hot climates makes cool dwellings that are solid, windproof, waterproof, and also bulletproof, which is Eco-friendly. Recently i saw a video of BBC news on YouTube about a house in Northern Nigeria built with discarded PET bottles in 2011, which is capable for sustainable weather. The methodology is known as bottle brick technology and is a very cheap and easy method for building Eco friendly homes. The use of plastic bottles helps to lower the cost of the building and reduce the plastic waste that ends up in our water bodies as a pollution, thus helping to keep a clean environment.

Image result for plastic house construction

Image result for bottle mud house


1. PET Bottles (approximately 8,000 plastic bottles)

2. Mud / Sand (For bonding, mixing and filling)

3. Cement (Depends on the climate, you may need little)

4. Damp Proof Membrane D.P.M (For dampness if needed )

5. String / Line (You will need a long length)

6. Team / Helper (lots of people that are willing to help in hand filling up the bottles)


1. It is easy to get and very in cost

2. It does not brittle like bricks

3. It is Eco friendly

4. Bio climatic in nature

5.Less constructional materials is required

6. Absorbs abrupt shock load (they can take heavy loads without failure)

7. Easy to construct

8. Re-usable

Image result for plastic house construction

Image result for plastic house construction

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